
The Kreutzer Sonata

Big Stage

After Lev Tolstoy's  Story The Kreutzer Sonata​

Text adaptation by  Levan Tsuladze, Temo Kuprava

Directed by Levan Tsuladze, Temo Kuprava
Scenography by Levan Tsuladze 
Costume Designer Nino Surguladze 
Choreography by Tinatin Tsuladze
Music adaptation by Zura Gagloshvili
Video installation by David Dvalishvili
Assistant to director Nino Jorjoliani
Nika Kuchava
Lela Meburishvili / Ana Vasadze
Manana Kozakova-Tsuladze
Keteva Tskhakaia
Besik Baratashvili
George (Jaba) Kiladze
Mariam Tsqifurishvili / Ana Sanaia

Production Team:

Head of production department Archil Dvalishvili
Sound operator – Lia Shilakadze
Lighting operator - Tamaz Dudashvili, Gela Mumladze
Tailors - Ketevan Jibladze, Ketevan Tserodze
Dresser - Ketevan Mamoiani, Tamila Jiqia, Nazibrola Chantladze, Nunu Beselia, Adelina Sologashvili
Props Managers  - Nino Mtchedlidze, Inga Mchedlishvili
Make - up artist - Marina Kosenko
Buyers - Irakli Chumburidze, George Butliashvili
Technical staff  - Lasha Papiashvili, Tengiz Kerdikoshvili, Zaza Dzagania, Elguja Kokolashvili, David Razmadze,Tamaz Gagnidze, Mamuka Tabutsadze, Irakli Lomsadze, Dimitri Lomsadze, Beka Lomsadze, Aleksandre Gamkrelidze, George Vishnevski, Robinzon Jeladze
Painter-decorator - Kakha Gongadze
Props maker  - Madlena Bukhrashvili
Carpenter - Revaz Kupradze
Carpenter, welder - Malxaz Dzaganashvili


About Performance: 
Why does a man marry? Because he’s in love. He might meet a woman he likes and decides she is the one and only, created for him, thus must belong to him till the end of times. In fact, it might be that he is attracted by her cleavage, or how her dress shows her curves, or how the wind blows her locks. His instinctive desire is to be with her, see her all the time, spend all his life with her. The woman might feel the same, so they get married. Seemingly, the aim is achieved, their wish comes true, but suddenly they discover they have nothing in common apart from physical attraction. In about a couple of months two selfish individuals find out that a family and a marriage are one big misconception. They lie to each other, as well as to themselves. They cheat on each other, but it could be acceptable if they forgive disloyalty. However, if they demand fidelity, or wish to separate but still live together, that’s when all hell breaks out. That’s when they start to drink, commit suicide, kill each other, poison others and themselves too...    


Date Of Premiere: February 18, 2020
Duratuin: 120 minutes / without  intermission

Ticket price:
 Stalls - 30 GEL, balcony - 15