
Zurab Sturua

Actor of Kote Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre since 1982.

Performed Roles (Briefly):

"Jako's Refugees" by M. Javakhishvili, Directed by T. Chkheidze,
"The Man Bears Only Once" by O Ioseliani, Directed by T. Chkheidze, G. Todadze,
"Euridice" by J. Anouilh, Directed byG. Todadze
"The Passengers" by L. Malazonia, Directed byM. Kuchukhidze,
"Stella and Malicious Spirit" by J. Kolty, Directed by D. Andguladze,
"Pursuing Destiny" by M. Javakhishvili, Directed by T. Chkheidze,
"The Coming of Peace" by G. Hauptmann, Directed by L. Ioseliani,
"Uriel Acosta" by C. Gutzkow, Directed by K. Marjanishvili, reviver S. Chiaureli,
"Three Sisters" by A. Chekhov - Directed by D. Doiashvili,
"Doctor Frankenstein" by L. Bugadze, D. Sakvarelidze, Directed by D. Sakvarelidze
Sage Al Kaus - Aka Morchiladze "The Book" Directed by Davit Sakvarelidze