Nato Murvanidze
Actress of Kote Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre since 1993
Now in Repertoire:
Judith - Karl Gutzkow "Uriel Acosta", Director Kote Marjanishvili, Renewed by Sofiko Chiaureli
Kato - Aka Morchiladze, Levan Tsuladze “Pygmalion” Director Levan Tsuladze
Neo - Koki Mitani "University of Laugh" Director Levan Tsuladze
Jaques - William Shakespeare "As You Like It" Director Levan Tsuladze
Performed Roles (Briefly):
Bertha - August Strindberg "The Father" dir. Temur Chkheidze
Tszin Hua - "Life Of An Idiot" by R. Akutagava, director D. Doiashvili
Mary Warren - "The Crucible" by A. Miller, director T. Chkheidze,
Cordelia - "King Lear" by W. Shakespeare,
Irina - "Three Sisters" by A. Chekhov,
Salome - "Salome" by O. Wilde - director D. Doiashvili
Hitler - Yukio Misima "My Friend Hitler" Director D. Mgebrishvili
Titania - Botho Strauss "Der Park" director David Sakvarelidze
Antigone - Jean Anouilh "Antigone" Director Temur Chkheidze
Titles and awards:
Iakob Gogebashvili Prize for the film "Lullaby"
The theatrical society annual awards - best female performance for the role:
Arthur Miller "Crucible" Mery Warren
Anton Chekhov "Three Sisters " Irina
Oscar Wilde "Salomea" Salomea
State Award - Jean Anouilh "Antigone", dir. Temur Chkheidze