
Nika Kuchava

Actor of Kote Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre since 2008.

Now in Repertoire:

De Silva’s servant, Dancer-  Karl Gutzkow "Uriel Acosta" director Kote Marjanishvili, renewed by Sofiko Chiaureli
Simoniko Cholokashvili Guram Kartvelishvili "Kakutsa Cholokashvili" director Levan Tsuladze
Simon – Aka Morchiladze, Levan Tsuladze “Pygmalion” director Levan Tsuladze
Tlimpo - Giovanni Boccaccio "The Decameron" director Levan Tsuladze
Tsubaki - Koki Mitani "University of Laugh" director Levan Tsuladze
Orlando - William Shakespeare "As You Like It" director Levan Tsuladze
Orgon - Molière "Tartuffe" director Levan Tsuladze
Nikolai Gogol "The Mad Man's Diary" Directed by Levan Tsuladze
Teimuraz - 
 After Mikheil Javakhishvili "Jaqo - Tomorrow Will be a War" Directed by Aleksandre Eloshvili

Performed Roles (Briefly):

Naomi Wallace "Bird" (novel after William Wharton ) director Nino Akhvlediani
"Orange, flute and ... " (Carlo Gotzi "Love of three oranges", according to the motives of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Magic Flute" and the
Georgian folk tale "Natsarkekia" - dramatization by Gizo Jordania) director Gizo Jordania
Kote – Avksenti Tsagareli "Khanuma" dir. Levan Tsuladze
Victor - After Noel Coward "PRIVATE LIVES" director Ramaz Zurabashvili
Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" Director Levan Tsuladze